All Posts tagget as "ios"

UserDefaults Read & Write Design Pattern

An elegant design pattern to get and set UserDefaults.


iPhone X Launch Image Sizes (+ other sizes)

Get your image sizes right.


MKPinAnnotationView Custom Pin Colors

One of the common questions most developers ask when it comes to MKPinAnnotationView is are there more than 3 colors as listed in the enumeration MKPinAnnotationColor (Red, Green, Purple)?


Watchkit + MagicalRecord + Core Data

Apple Watch is all the hype right now. With its release next week, app developers are hastily assembling their WatchKit app (myself included). One core concept that is paramount in building a great WatchKit app is the idea of sharing persistent data between the actual iOS app and WatchKit app. Specifically how do I get a shared storage unit that can be shared across both my iOS and WatchKit app?
